Sep 11Liked by MUTHR, FCKD

Grohl is making it all about him. Again.

Airing his family’s private trauma publicly. Setting up the expectation/demand for an eventual pass/forgiveness/“healing”.

This is the epitome of shameless MANipulation.

HE made it public business. HE skipped the condom. HE put his family on the spot.

He is just too old to be a ‘bad boy’ any more. I see these pathetic old punks all over Seattle, clinging to their dated rags, literally tottering around in biker jackets and walkers. It was 40 years ago!

My x still has his ponytail… but nothing left on top, so we call that a ‘skullet’.

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LMAO, "THE SKULLET." Tell it true, my friend. Where was that condom? Why do we need to know? Pfffft.

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Sep 13Liked by MUTHR, FCKD

I wish I had thought of it but did do a spit take when I first heard it. 🤣. He used to make me color his hair a ridiculous color of ‘red’. Although they are opposites in political details, he has a lot in common with another narcissistic hair colorer (who just got his azz handed to him in a lil’ debate).

Maybe it was just the lighting, but on Tuesday it looked like it had a very different, not yellow, rinse on it. Between the bad hair and JD’s eyeliner they look like UGLIEST COUPLE AT PROM.

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He looked like he was dusted in terracotta. The ultimate repugnant duo! UGGH

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Sep 13Liked by MUTHR, FCKD

I have a hard ban on looking at or hearing that loser but had to make an exception. Stills are bad enough.

The Seth Meyers Closer Look special is on youtube now and it has some real

Comedy gold! Highly recommend.

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Oooooh thank you! I'm getting on it!

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Great newsletter Viv!

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Thank you!

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gooood one. Last night was tremendous to watch. Though I couldnt sleep afterwards. Wait till you reach your sixties, Muthr — you realize that ticking clock is daring you to do more be more and get some strange. In all ways! Loved this.

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Thank you sooo much! I kind of love that for us! Sixty is a mere 3.5 years away, so I'm not that far off. Something to look forward to—be my sage guru?

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Deal. I talk about it a lot. Gonna start doing more fun talks. Invited to events. Everything they told you about aging was a lie. PS. meeting Nicole Treska due to you. X

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A stellar newsletter! And a sobering reminder not to underestimate the lasting impact 9/11 had on New Yorkers.

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Thanks so much! I really appreciate it! xx

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Yes, I thought about that a lot yesterday too.

I learned recently that PTSD is a misnomer for most; the response to trauma is normal, so I’m reviving my brain to PTSR (response). Very humbly grateful for that new perspective.

I’m an entire country away, but I’ll never forget the phone call: “turn on the TV. Click” In time to see #2 impact.

I don’t really save special treats for later much any more. Every day could be my final with 6 military bases around us here, including nuclear.

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